On October 2-4, thousands of participants from dozens of countries will compete in NASA’s International Space Apps challenge.

During the 48 hour event, participants will form virtual teams across the globe and access NASA’s Earth observation data to develop solutions to real problems on Earth and in space.

Now in its 9th year, the 2019 installment saw participation from 29,000 individuals from 71 countries.


Do you have a love for science? space? do you want to make the world a better place?

Congratulations — you qualify.

“All are welcome in Space Apps,” reads a statement on the event website.

“The common thread among Space Apps participants is that you are interested in space science and exploration, you are creative, and you want to solve problems.”

And while many scientists, coders, and engineers take part, you don’t have to have a STEM background to join in.

“In fact, some of the most diverse teams are often the most successful,” the website says.


This year’s theme is “take action” — serving to remind individuals they can change the world in measurable ways.

Individuals are invited to browse the challenges section of the Space Apps website and select a project they find meaningful.

You can also visit the website to find a “local virtual” event in your area. If you can’t find anyone nearby, you there is also the Universal Event, which allows participants to compete from anywhere in the world.

Once registered, participants are connected to a local lead and given the opportunity to meet other participants and form teams. All hackers will be given access to workshops and training as part of a virtual bootcamp.

Interested? There’s still time to sign up. Visit the Space Apps website to get involved.