Suffering from headline anxiety? Here’s what you can do

The headlines have been heavy for a while. It’s a symptom of the 24-hour news cycle: climate change, political conflict, war, and now we have COVID-19.
If you’re grappling with a sense of dread, you’re not alone. At this moment, lives are being disrupted across the globe — so if anything, you’re likely in the majority.
But over time, too much bad news can lead to ‘headline stress disorder‘ — a phenomenon coined by psychologist Steven Stosny when he noticed an uptick in patients linking their newsfeeds to anxiety.
Stosny’s term was originally due to stress caused by political headlines, but the sentiment can be applied to today’s health-focused news cycle.
One way to get away from the headlines is by engaging in healthy distractions, but how do you escape when your community is on quarantine, it’s still cold in parts of the northern hemisphere, and professional sports and large crowd gatherings are off the table?
In an interview with the CBC, Stosny offers a few tips:
Last but not least: Don’t panic but be cautious, listen to the advice of experts, and do your part to help ‘flatten the curve’: