We Rep STEM aims to promote the work of inspiring people in the STEM community. Today, we’re featuring N'Dea Irvin-Choy.
Read on to learn more about N'Dea and what her work entails, in her own words.

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“I was originally interested in chemical engineering because I wanted to formulate makeup. From there, I decided to pursue a biomedical engineering major to help Black community members suffering from various conditions and diseases.”

“My research focuses on using nanoparticles to treat maternal/fetal health applications, specifically, bacterial vaginosis in pregnant patients.”

“Ultimately, I decided on maternal/fetal health for my graduate school research in hopes of contributing positively to the field while also being the representation I did not have.”

If you’d like to have your work featured on We Rep STEM, get in touch! We can be reached via email at werepstem@gmail.com.
Graphics edited by We Rep STEM. Images courtesy of N'Dea Irvin-Choy.